Innovation Workshop 2024

Liebe ÖSG Community,

am ÖSG Congress Innsbruck 2024 fand ein “Interdisciplinary Innovation Workshop” statt, bei dem Delegierte aktuelle Themen in der Sportwissenschaft diskutierten. Die Aufgabe bestand darin, innerhalb von aktuellen Themen konkrete Herausforderungen zu formulieren und über erste Lösungsansätze nachzudenken.

Eine Kurzzusammenfassung jedes Themas: 

Topic 1: Image of sport science in society
Challenge: How can we improve our self-image and  how can we communicate the complexity of sport science?
Potential solutions: e.g. formulate unique selling point (“Alleinstellungsmerkmal”)

Topic 2: Physical inactivity in children
Challenge: How could we change the school setting to provide an opportunity for more physical activity?
Potential solutions: e.g. non-mandatory PE lessons before/after school

Topic 3: Inclusion of bodily disabled individuals as participants in public sport events
Challenge: How could we enable an information flow between organizers/trainers and participants before the sport event or sports course?
Potential solutions: e.g. develop apps for online exchange

Topic 4: Integration of girls and women with migration background through sports
Challenge: How do we open our sports culture for girls and women with migration background? How do we create a more open-minded sports culture?
Potential solutions: e.g. buddy system, visions & role models, participatory processes & ownership

Topic 5: Role of exercise therapy in medical teams
—> results are listed in the templates and will the discussion will be integrated into ongoing efforts of the ÖSG Working Group Exercise Therapy (Sektionstreffen)

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